Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Have A Liver and Hair and Elbows

Waking up on the beach is nice. It's even nicer when you have this to look forward to:

Patrice put on a KILLER concert. His way of doing reggae is fresh, spiritual and left me grateful for every part of my body. Gnaoua music was the focus of the festival in Essaouira. It's used as trance music. Give it a listen and you'll see why. The fusion stuff was rad. I definitely needed the wild hippie dancing to cure me of the fanny pack blues, not that fanny packs make me blue, but that when they are stolen while holding my phone and camera, I get kind of upset. At least I didn't get beaten with batons like Badr and Hisham or have my wallet stolen like David. (dudes pictured below) The bloody sticky fingered youth made a killing off of our group.

David and Youssef are really coming on to each other in this picture. We played some soccer on the beach, then danced it up like the wild Africans we are.

1 comment:

  1. So, i think this story might have been blown out of proportion back here at home. I guess it's pretty serious that you got your chile fanny pack stolen, but the family made it sound much worse! Maybe it was and you're not letting on to how bad it was. Maybe it's better that way!
