Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Grandpa, Tell Me 'Bout The Good Ol' Days

Grandpa Hess was born in 1918. As I was recounting the Moroccan farming techniques to my dad he was flabbergasted and commented, "That's how Grandpa would do it when he was a kid." That was, like, you know, a really long time ago. The wheat is harvested by hand with a sickle, strapped on the backs of donkeys and brought to the middle of town where it is thrashed. I'm shown here (white t-shirt) with some of my friends I made while having a cross-cultural farmer bonding experience. It felt good to let them know that America is not just a bunch of skyscrapers and office buildings, but that if I were home right now, my dad would probably be swindling me into helping him out with the harvesting duties. The difference is that I would be sitting in an air-conditioned tractor, listening to talk radio and probably enjoying a free game of golf the next day.


  1. Gee willikers, son. I really am quite speechless. I don't know what to say about your last 30 posts (oh-that's all of them). I can't believe that's what grandpa used to do. I guess it gives you a little appreciation for the endless days in the tractor, eh? SO GREAT!

  2. I don't know about your dad's tractor, but my grandpa's only got the AM radio stations. That's when you get in a lot of right wing shows and radio disney! Yahoo for farms!
