Thursday, July 15, 2010

And Yet Another Festival

The Festival de Alegria music festival gave me an excuse to get back to Chefchaouen, one of my favorite spots thus far. Chaouen's location in northern Morocco means that more Spanish is spoken, a welcome relief to racking my brain with French and Arabic. We visited the Akchour waterfalls while we we there. It involved some adventurous hiking and unbelievably clear, cold and colorful water, a welcome respite from the 100 degree heat.

My favorite group was probably Ojos de Brujo (witch eyes), a Spanish group that had a flamenco dancer as part of their percussion ensemble. Barry came in a close second as he threw down some sweet Moroccan rap/reggae.


  1. Dane! It sure looks like you are having a blast in Morocco! This is excellent news! I'm glad to see you are experiencing all these wonderful things all the way across the globe. I miss your presence here in Cedar City!

    Much care,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Spelling error on the last one...

    And I thought Cedar City was the capitol of festivals...this place parties its guts out!

  4. Me gusta flamenco. That sounds sweet! What I would really like to hear is the Moroccan rap. Remember when you and I were listening to a muslim rap about women trying to pin the lyrics. So great!
    Sounds like you are ready for the concrete jungle- where sweat run's down your back AND your crack!
