Thursday, July 15, 2010

Could You Slide Over a Bit, Please?

This is the taxi I ride to work every day...well, sort of. Seven people are packed into a five-person vehicle in 90 degree humid heat and for some reason, all of the handles to roll down the windows have been removed. Supposedly passengers can never decide on an ideal window situation, the drivers get annoyed with the bickering and so take matters into their own hands. I've ridden in a taxi nearly every day of the last 3 months and have only been in one that allowed me the liberty to roll down my window, probably because it was some dude posing as a taxi driver. The taxis have become my internal peace indicator because I've noticed that on good days I am not bothered at all by having enough sweat running down my back to run a saw mill, smelling morning breath and B.O. and listening to recitations of the Koran, but on bad days I picture our taxi doing this:

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