Sunday, May 15, 2011

Now I Know What Hell Is

As we stepped over the rickety wooden bridge, it suddenly gave way, allowing us to freefall for no more than a foot. It was enough, though, to elicit sharp cries from my traveling partner, Molly. This marked our symbolic entrance to hell, found within a local temple. It functioned much more like a haunted house than a temple to me, but was definitely worthwhile. Grotesque statues put in motion the various punishments that one would receive for various sins while ghosts and headless corpses randomly flew from the ceiling. Molly wonders if the widespread usage of these punishments as threats to children in efforts to get them to behave only serves to make Taiwanese people more judgemental.

1 comment:

  1. Hello brother! I'm very disturbed by your "hell" pics! I probably would've had nightmares for a week.......
